Regarding Recode: Brand-name journalists do not a business plan make

May 28th, 2015|

DIGIDAY, May 28, 2015 - Recode, which comScore said gets 1.5 million unique visitors a month over a year later, may not have been growing fast enough, which could have pressured it to find an exit. “They were stuck in the middle, neither small enough to be highly profitable nor large enough to have the scale to compete with the majors. They were smart enough to understand that,” said Kreisky Media Consultancy founder Peter Kreisky, who compared Recode to GigaOm, which attempted to grow too quickly before imploding last month. All of these concerns go away now when the site is been folded into Vox Media, which will handle the bulk of the site’s business and administrative concerns, all the while boosting its own prospects. Kreisky called it “the perfect strategy” for both sides, particularly Recode.